
Business Writing Services can fill any gaps your marketing team has in the content generation process. This includes helping you formulate a strategy to determine which content to produce over the course of a campaign, a quarter, or an entire year. We can also coach your team on the best practices for writing specific marketing assets, or we can write assets for you. And if your team has already produced assets, we would be glad to provide editing services to ensure you communicate impactful messaging.


We help you create a 12-month content generation plan and sync it with your marketing plan to ensure your sales team has all the assets they need to engage prospects and customers throughout their buying journeys. In addition to assessing your past efforts and leveraging assets you have already created, we also provide a comparison of what your competitors are doing for content creation.


For companies with marketing and domain expert resources with the bandwidth to produce content, we can coach them on how to frame and write white papers, customer success stories, articles, blogs, website text, sales slicks, emails, and social media posts. We provide hands-on training, enhancing or developing assets to be used in marketing campaigns.


Our process for writing marketing assets includes scoping the project objectives with your marketing team, identifying available resources and the template to emulate, interviewing domain experts and customers, generating the first draft, and then revising until all stakeholders approve. This service comes in handy when internal resources do not have the bandwidth to generate content.


We convert any content that requires editing into a Word file and then track our edits and insert comments so you can easily see our recommended changes. You can also easily revert to your original draft as we strike that delicate balance—where editing is 50% science and 50% art. This service is ideal for companies with internal experts and marketing resources that can create copy but need someone to polish their words and proofread for grammar, punctuation and diction.